zondag 7 april 2013

The dream

So a few days ago I was trying to fall asleep during a daytime nap.
The night before i hadn't slept well and I like sleeping too much to let it go.
I was disappointed to find out that falling a sleep was becoming an issue. But I just HAD to sleep.
My heart was beating slightly faster than usual. And all of sudden

I find myself strapped in a rollercoaster!
First thing that came to mind was: "how did i get here?!"
It felt so real I thought it couldn't have been a dream, I must of skipped time or something.
Second thing that came to mind "shit I don't want to go on this ride at all!!".

Fear came rushing in, my pulse got  faster and faster. I was soo scared.
I realised I had to go through it and that it was too late to get out
and so I strapped my belt or the safety thing even tighter.
And we started making speed, going up in turn and a loop and another loop.

Wind rushing through my hair. I was sitting so uncomfortable!
All kinds of twists and turns, up and down. But then we started ascending...
Going up higher and higher at a way to slow pace.
I knew what was coming and I was scared as f*ck.

We had reached the top...
One moment of silence, only my thoughts and my heartbeat.
Not a single breeze of wind, no one to help.
Complete silence.



A loud noise! And I fall. Gravity doing what it's supposed to do.
It's an uncomfortable fall, but one that could not.be avoided.
And I continued being afraid, but with a bit more strength.
Knowing that the worst was over.

And it was.
We drove to the end of the ride.
I stepped off and for some reason put on my shoes. (Don't know why I'd go on a ride without them?!)
As i get ready to leave I feel something in the palm of my hand.

When I look it's a wound, a cut.
And it's bleeding. It stings.
But I decide to keep moving forward.

My alarm goes of.
And I start coming to, realising it was just a dream.
With fear still in my heart I wake up and
Continue living in the real world.

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